GoPro Night Photo Settings
In todays post I want to show you the settings to use to take night photos and night lapses of stars and the milky way using the Gopro Hero 10!
GoPro 10 Night Photo Settings
With the recent Gopro models, it Is possible to take amazing photos of the night sky and the process is very easy as you don’t have to worry about manual focus and other settings that you would need to worry about with dslr and mirrorless cameras. (Sony A7III Night Photo Settings)
Here is a photo of the milky way I took with the gopro hero 10.
The GoPro hero 10 has a Night Photo mode build into the camera so we will be using this mode. The Night Photo mode can be found on the photo page of the hero 10.
Here are the settings that I currently use when taking photos of the night sky.
I change the settings slightly depending on the condition and I will explain more in detail below.
Once you get used to using these settings you may want to tweak them slightly to your liking. Lets start with the resolution!
Shutter 30 Seconds
A long shutter speed is a staple for taking photos of the night sky.
By keeping the shutter open for a longer amount of time, the gopro is able to obtain more light from the stars and make them show up in your photo.
I would recommend using 30 seconds if there is no moon or bright light sources except for the stars. If you use 30 seconds when there is a bright source of light, it will result in a overexposed, white looking image.
If there are bright sources of light such as the moon I would try 20 seconds and see how the photo looks.
Output Raw
A raw photo file stores much more details and data when compared to a jpg photo.
Raw files are high-quality files that capture and store all the details. It require some editing to get the best possible image.
Jpeg files are compressed and have much smaller file sizes, however they do not require editing.
I would definitely recommend shooting in RAW format and the editing the photos in a editing software for the best possible photos.
I recommend using Adobe Lightroom to edit the raw photos.
Here is a tutorial I did on Editing Milky Way Photos In Lightroom.
Timer 3 Seconds
When taking photos with long shutter speeds (eg 30 seconds) the camera must stay completely still or otherwise your final photo will be blurry.
Even the action of pushing down on the shutter button can result in a blurry photo.
To prevent this from happening we use the 3 second timer so that the camera starts taking a photo after the movement of pressing down on the shutter button ends.
To keep the gopro completely still I recommend using one of the mounts for the GoPro when taking photos of the night sky.
ISO Min 800 /Max 800
I try to keep the ISO values as low as possible to reduce grain and noise in my gopro photos.
For photos of the night sky anything lower than 800 usually results in a photo that is too dark so I try to use 800.
If there is a bright light source then 400 or 200 might work as well.
It is best to take a test shot and adjust accordingly if it is too bright or too dark.
I would try to use the settings in this guide as a basic guideline and try to adjust them slightly depending on the conditions you are in.
The more you practice with your camera the better you will get at adapting to the situation and I’m sure the photos that you take will improve as time goes by.
Please let me know in the comments section if you have any questions regarding the GoPro.
Thanks for reading and see you in the next one!
Other GoPro Settings and Tutorials can be found here:
Instagram: @ryuta_og
My Gallery: Photo Gallery
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Youtube: Ryuta
Camera Tutorials: Link
This is a list of the gear that i use!! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or need recommendations :)
My Main GoPro’s
[Hero 10Black]:
[Hero 9 Black]:
My Backup GoPro
[Hero 8 Black]:
[Hero 5 Black]:
My Main Camera
[Sony A7III]:
My Backup Camera
[Sony A6000]:
My Lenses
[Sigma 100-400mm sony e mount]:
[Tamron 17-28mm sony e mount]:
SD card for GoPro
SD card for Sony Camera
External Hard Drive
My GoPro Mounts:
[3 Way Mount]:
[Bite Mount]:
[Neck Mount - for pov]:
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