Selling Stock Videos On Blackbox Guild
How To Make Money On The Side Selling GoPro Videos
Hey, in todays post i wanna explain how ive started to make a little extra cash on the side selling the videos ive taken with my gopro as stock videos on a website called blackbox.
For those of you who dont know what a stock video is, essentially when a filmmaker is creating a film or a commercial, and they dont have a certain footage they want to use or they dont wanna film it themselves, they will go onto a stock agency to purchase a stock video of the scene or footage they are looking to use.
Here are some examples below of stock footage ive filmed.
A Stock Video Ive Sold Filmed On GoPro 8
A Stock Video I Filmed On Sony A7III
If you have any great shots that youve taken with the gopro or any other camera lying in your pc or harddrive, it might have some potential to be sold.
However, the stock video market is very competitive, and no matter how good your footage is, it wont be sold if it is not searched for on the agencies.
There are many different websites where you can sell your footage, with some of the famous ones being shutterstock, ponds and adobe stock.
With so many different stock agencies it might be difficult to choose one for your videos. Sometimes it is possible to upload the same clip to multiple agenices, however it is very time consuming to upload and get your footage ready to be sold multiple times.
This is where Black Box Guild becomes very helpful!
Firstly, once you submit a stock video to BlackBox they will submit that video to 5 of the biggest stock agency sites for you!
So you only need to upload the video once, but your video clip will get listed on 5 different stock agency websites giving you so much more exposure which in turn increases the likeliness of your video getting sold.
Secondly, BlackBox allows users to collaborate with other users before submitting a video. You can assign videos to other members that will edit and add metadata (tags/titles) to your videos for you so that they are ready to be sold. They will take a percentage of any future sales (approx 20%).
Getting a stock video ready to be sold takes is actually a fairly lengthy process and can deter people from trying to sell stock footage.
A stock video needs to be of a certain quality and videos can get rejected if they are not suitable for sale (ie too shaky, bad quality, length is not correct and so on).
Once a video is edited, tags and titles must be added to the video so that your videos can get searched for and purchased. Even if you have the highest quality video in the world, it will not sell if the titles and tags are not suitable for the video. Below is an example of metadata (tags and titles i used for a Stock Video im currently selling on BlackBox).
Stock Video Im Selling On BlackBox Example
Title: Beautiful Spinner dolphin pod swimming on the clear blue ocean - Close up shot
Tags: spinner, dolphin, pod, swimming, clear, blue, ocean, underwater, sea, water, marine, wildlife, wild, group, nature, dolphins, animal, life, mammal, tropical, natural, diving, dolphin pod, freediving, scuba, environment, oceanic, aquatic, travel, deep, mammals, freedom, animals, spinner dolphin, beautiful, national geographic, nat geo, planet, habitat, climate, change, global, warming, behavior, scene, close up, adventure, amazing, family
As you can see, the title has to be descriptive while including keywords and you can add up to 50 tags that can be quite time consuming.
However, with BlackBox you can assign these tasks to curators that will take a small cut of earnings when the video that they helped you out on sells.
Therefore, you only pay them when a clip is sold and you can discuss with the curator the percentage of earnings they will get (usually around 20-25% per clip sold - ie if a clip sells for $100 you get $75 you get and $25 going to the curator and you both paying a little amount to Blackbox).
You may think that $25 is a lot, however without the help of the curator tagging and adding titles to your video, it may never have been found and sold in the first place!! Sometimes its better to save your own time by getting your clips curated and working on some other projects.
I personally dont make a huge amount off Blackbox Guild, however its enough to buy some new accessories and gear from time to time, and best of all is that once the clips are uploaded i can just forget about them and they will sell from time to time.
If you have some clips lying around on your hard drives then it might be a good time to dig them out and experiment with Stock videos!
I also made a video explaining how to upload videos to Blackbox and how to get started with the website if you are interested in getting started!
Blackbox Video Guide
Thanks for reading all the way through, please let me know in the comment section below if you have any thoughts or questions.
This is a list of the gear that i use!! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or need recommendations :)
My Main GoPro’s
[Hero 10Black]:
[Hero 9 Black]:
My Backup GoPro
[Hero 8 Black]:
[Hero 5 Black]:
Micro SD card for GoPro [128gb-fast]:
SD card for Sony Camera [128gb]:
External Hard Drive [2tb]:
My GoPro Mounts:
[3 Way Mount]:
[Bite Mount]:
[Neck Mount - for pov]:
My Main Camera
[Sony A7III]:
[Sony A6000]:
My Lenses
[Sigma 100-400mm sony e mount]:
[Tamron 17-28mm sony e mount]:
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